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ICT Education In Ghana

From Wikipedia
University of Ghana students dey engage insyd Wikipedia outreach

For de past decade insyd, government ein attention shift go de use of computer technology for teaching and learning.De ICT (Information communication technology) standard for de education policy for Ghana dey require de use of ICT for teaching den learning give all levels for de education system. De Ministry of Education attempt make dem support institutions for de teaching of ICT literacy. Most secondary plus some primary schools get computer laboratories. Despite de federal interest give ICT, computer access dey very limited plus staff wey dey carry electronic devices around to ensure sey no body steal am.[1]

Recent study for de pedagogical integration of ICTs for de year 2009 go 2011 for 10 Ghanaian schools dey indicate sey gap dey between policy directives plus actual practices for schools insyd. de emphasis wey dey de official curricula dey on de development of students’ skills for operating ICT equipment, but not necessarily sey dem using technology aas means make dem learn subjects other than sey dem dey use de devices. de study sanso see sey de Ministry of Education currently dey attempt deploy sufficient ICT resources to develop de needed ICT literacy wey dem require for computer skills make dem integrate am put teaching/learning.

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "Fun Facts about Ghana's School System – Around the World "L"". www.aroundtheworldl.com. 24 February 2010. Retrieved 26 May 2024.