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From Wikipedia
calendar month
Subclass ofmonth of the Gregorian calendar Edit
Part ofJulian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Swedish calendar Edit
Dem name afterAprilis, Ēostre, oak, flower Edit
Dey followMarch Edit
Followed byMay Edit
Hashtagapril Edit

April be de fourth month of de year wey dey Gregorian den Julian calendars. E be de first of four months wey get length of 30 days, den de second of five months wey get length of less dan 31 days.

Dem commonly associate April plus de season of spring for de Northern Hemisphere insyd, den autumn for de Southern Hemisphere insyd, wey ebi de seasonal equivalent to October for de Northern Hemisphere den vice versa.


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De Romans wey dem give dis month de Latin name Aprilis[1] buh de derivation of dis name no be certain. De traditional etymology dey komot from de verb aperire, "to open", for allusion for ein being de season wey trees den flowers dey begin to "open", wey de modern Greek use of άνοιξη (ánixi) (opening) give spring support de comparison. Since dem name sum of de Roman months in honor of demma divinities, wey as April be sacred give de goddess Venus, dem dey hold ein Veneralia for de first day, dem suggest say Aprilis be originally ein month Aphrilis, from ein equivalent Greek goddess name Aphrodite (Aphros), or from de Etruscan name Apru. Jacob Grimm dey suggest de name of hypothetical god or hero, Aper or Aprus.[2]


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April ein birthstone be de diamond.

  • Dem list de birth flower typically as either de common daisy (Bellis perennis) anaa de sweet pea.[3][4]
  • De zodiac signs give de month of April be Aries (until April 19) den Taurus (April 20 onwards).[5][6]


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  1. "April" in Chambers's Encyclopædia. London: George Newnes, 1961, Vol. 1, p. 497.
  2. Jacob Grim Geschichte der deutschen Sprache. Cap. "Monate"
  3. Kipfer, Barbara Ann (1997) The Order of Things. New York: Random House
  4. "U101 College Search". Archived from the original on September 11, 2012.
  5. The Earth passed the junction of the signs at 14:45 UT/GMT April 19, 2020, and will pass it again at 20:33 UT/GMT April 19, 2021.
  6. "Astrology Calendar". yourzodiacsign. Signs in UT/GMT for 1950–2030.
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