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calendar month
Subclass ofmonth of the Gregorian calendar Edit
Part ofJulian calendar, Gregorian calendar, Swedish calendar Edit
Nameмая, maja, Aymuray killa, Þrimilcemonðes, května Edit
Dem name afterMagtymguly Pyragy, Maius, flower Edit
Dey followApril Edit
Followed byJune Edit

May be de fifth month of the year wey dey Julian den Gregorian calendars wey esan be de third of seven months wey get length of 31 days. May be month of spring way ein dey insyde northern Hemisphere and ein sansu be autum in the Southern Hemisphere.


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Emerald brooch
Emerald brooch

May ein birthstone be de emerald wich be emblematic of love den success. Birth flowers be de Lily of the Valley den Crataegus monogyna.[1] Both be native thru out de cool temperate Northern Hemisphere insyd Asia, Europe, den insyd de southern Appalachian Mountains insyd de United States, buh na dem naturalize am thru out de temperate climatic world.

De Lily of the Valley
Crataegus monogyna
Crataegus monogyna

De "Mayflower" Epigaea repens be North American harbinger of May, den de floral emblem of both Nova Scotia den Massachusetts. Ein native range dey extend from Newfoundland south to Florida, west to Kentucky insyd de southern range, den to Northwest Territories insyd de north. De zodiac signs be Taurus (til May 20) den Gemini (May 21 dey go).[2][3]


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  1. "U101 College Search". shgresources.com. Archived from the original on 2012-09-11.
  2. The Earth passed the junction of the signs at 13:49 UT/GMT May 20, 2020, and will pass it again at 19:37 UT/GMT May 20, 2021.
  3. "Astrology Calendar", yourzodiacsign, archived from the original on 2020-03-29, retrieved 2020-03-29. Signs in UT/GMT for 1950–2030.
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