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Frédéric Brou

From Wikipedia
Frédéric Brou
Ein sex anaa gendermale Edit
Country wey e be citizenFrance Edit
Name wey dem give amFrédéric Edit
Family nameBrou Edit
Ein date of birth11 December 1862 Edit
Place dem born amMauritius Edit
Date wey edie15 May 1925 Edit
Place wey edieParis Edit
Languages edey speak, rep anaa signFrench Edit
Ein occupationpainter, sculptor Edit
Notable workLa Gloire tirant Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle Adam de son sommeil éternel by Frédéric Brou Edit
Has works in the collectionMusée Carnavalet Edit
Copyright status as creatorcopyrights on works have expired Edit

Frédéric Brou (11 December 1862 - 15 May 1925) be a self-taught French painter den sculptor.

Dem born am insyd Mauritius, na he sculpt den exhibit insyd Boutteville from 1887 dey go. Na der he receive advice from Antonin Larroux den Georges Lemaire. He exhibit de plaster modello give ein sculpture Eve for de 1897 'salon des artistes français', wey dey exhibit de finished work insyd marble for de same venue two years later, wer e face off against Rodin ein work for de same subject top. Na de French state commission a bust of Jules Ferry from am insyd 1899 wey he regularly exhibit for de Société des artistes français.[1] He die insyd Pleumeur-Bodou.[2]

Works dem select

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  • Fanjeaux : Monument to Hugues Destrem[3]
  • Paris :
    • musée Carnavalet : Monument to Villiers de l'Isle Adam, dem sanso know am as Glory Pulling Auguste de Villiers de l'Isle Adam From His Eternal Sleep, 1906, plaster maquette for the poet's tomb, never realised[4]
    • square de Yorktown : Franklin Received at Court. 1778 den Signing of the Treaty of Paris. 1783, 1898, bronze bas-reliefs for de pedestal of the Monument to Benjamin Franklin by John J. Boyle
  • Saint-Maur-des-Fossés, square Hameln : Eve, 1899, marble statue, de plaster modello for wich na dem exhibit for de Paris Salon of 1897


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  1. (insyd French) René Édouard-Joseph, Dictionnaire biographique des artistes contemporains, tome 1, A-E, Art & Édition, 1930, p. 209.
  2. (insyd French) L'Intermédiaire des chercheurs et curieux du 28 février 1938.
  3. (insyd French) "Entry on e-monument.net".
  4. (insyd French) Léon Bloy, La Résurrection de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam, Paris, A. Blaizot, 1906, « La Résurrection de Villiers de l’Isle-Adam »


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